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#Regular English

####Make the regular expression you need, using the words you already know.



Returns an instance of regluar english object. Keep chaining construction methods and finish with .make(). You now have a JS Regular Expression object.

######.make() Returns an actual JS regular RegExp object.


var validEmail =

validEmail.toString(); // /(\w+)(@)(\w+)(\.)([A-Za-z]{2,6})/
("My email is").match(validEmail)[0]; // ""
validEmail.test(""); //false
validEmail.test(""); //true
validEmail.exec("")[1]; // "adam1234"

Note: The usage of the .then() method to create capture groups is optional



######.theString(str, [,flag]) Parses through the input str and inserts inserts escapes where needed.

######.aLetter([,flag]) Select from any letter. RegExp equivalent of [a-zA-z]

######.aNumber() Select from any number. RegExp equivalent of \d

######.aVowel([,flag]) Select from any vowel. RegExp equivalent of [aeiouAEIOU]

Flags: "U" - Uppercase only "L" - Lowercse only "Y" - Include 'Y'

######.aConsonant([,flag]) Select from any consonant. RegExp equivalent of [bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ]

Flags: "U" - Uppercase only "L" - Lowercse only "Y" - Exclude 'Y'

######.aLetterOrNumber() Select from any alphanumeri character. RegExp equivalent of \w

######.whitespace() Select from any whitespace character. RegExp equivalent of \s

######.anything() Can select anything. RegExp equivalent of "."


######.ofRange(n,m) RegExp equivalent of {n,m}.

######.ofOneOrMore() RegExp equivalent of +

######.ofZeroOrMore() RegExp equivalent of *

######.optional() Previous selection is optional (zero of 1). RegExp equivalent of ?


######.then() Wraps everything before (or to the previous .then()) in a capture group.

######.either(arrayOfStrings) Match any of the strings from the input array. RegExp equivalent of (str1|str2|st3) etc. Each string is parsed for special characters and properly espaced before as well.

######.anyIn(string) Match any of the characters in the string. RegExp of [abc]. Special characters will be escaped as needed.


######.fromStart() Must match from start of string. RegExp equivalent of "^". If used, this method should be the first thing chained to the RegEng() instance.

######.toEnd() Must match to the end of string. RegExp equivalent of "$". If used, this method should be the last thing chained before .make()

######.contains([,selector] [,args] [,quantity] [,args] ) Takes stringified selectors and quantities as its args. Will parse through arguments to figure out what is a sub argument. Ex:

.contains("aUpperCaseLetter", "ofAtLeast", 2)

######.theRegExp(doNotEspace) If this library is not comprehensive, you can insert your own regular expression. The input string will not be escaped.

####Premade Constructs




Produces a password validator. Options object defaults to the following:

	upper: 1 //At least one uppercase character
	lower: 1 //At least one lowercase character
	number: 1 //At least one number
	special: 1 //At least one special character
	min: 8 //minimum length of 8 characters
	max: 32 //maximum length of 32 characters


Generate regular expressions with mostly plain English






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